Welcome To Hollow Bone

Vision Quest in the UK

The next Hollow Bone Vision Quest will be held on Dartmoor in May 2026

Through fasting, solitude and silence we may enter into the Mystery, we become a 'hollow bone',

an empty vessel, able to receive direction, guidance and healing from the earth and spirit realms.

Hollow Bone Vision Quest has been guided by Hilary Kneale, Rick Lockwood and Gian Paolo Cottino since 2010.


VQ11 Land


The Vision Quest is a powerful and ancient Rite of Passage ceremony that has been undertaken by people of 

many cultures around the world for millennia. Our ancestors ceremonially left their community

and withdrew into the wilderness to seek sacred power and connection - to cry for a vision.


vq11 gateway 2


We do this for ourselves, for the people, for all our relations, for the land and for Mother Earth.

 We seek wholeness and balance and harmony with the interconnected web of life that we are a part of.

To go on a vision quest is to go into
     the presence of the Great Mystery     

Lakota proverb

Where there is no vision, people perish

  Proverbs 29:18